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Kirlian Energy Analysis


And as I know you, Devageet, you have already moved even from the state of the disciple to the ultimate glory of being a devotee. Your quest, your inquiry is no more a dry exploration. It has become your love, it has become your very heartbeat.



Devageet introduction for the book: Osho the first Buddha on a dental chair

The Big Love Affair with the Master!

About Me

part of the AK.Team

Sw.PremYatri met Osho in ‘86, since then he has been regular part of the Osho community in Pune, India, where in ‘93 began to assist Sw.Devageet and he fell in love with his work.

He is also certified facilitator of Osho’s meditations and Meditative Therapies as OSHO Mystic Rose, OSHO No-Mind and Who is in”. He is also trained in Advanced Kinesiology, Tibetan Pulsing, Hypnosis. He has created KION Energy Analysis, using photos of the bio-energy to understand the effects of meditations in the healing dimension in the last 30 years.

Prem Yatri is experienced meditator who has spent many years in different Osho’s meditation communities. His natural playfulness and joy for sharing with friends provides safe and easy ground for everybody to experience how the no-mind space is the source of love, joy and laughter.


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